Thursday, September 15, 2011

Julias Caesar 1.1

   I think that people today are more adamant about what they believe in. Also, I think that people today may think about their opinions longer before they voice them publicly. It seems like the characters in Julius Caesar just spontaneously rallied behind Caesar. On the other hand there have been events in our time where people spontaneously celebrated such as when Osama Bin Laden was killed. I think that Caesar's actions are akin to the death of Osama Bin Laden in which case the two time eras are similar.


  1. I agree with the part about people being more adamant about their beliefs. Especially when it comes to politics, many people are adamantly just voting for the "democrat" or the "republican", not the actual candidate they think best supports what they believe in. In Caesar's time, people just went with whoever was more powerful often times not actually thinking about what the person will do for the nation, similar to today.

  2. Yes, the reactions to bin Laden's death were interesting. Some of them made me uncomfortable as well. Hmmm ....
